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Romney under 'active consideration' for Secretary of State: Pence

WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Former Republican presidential nominee Mitt Romney is under "active consideration" to serve as U.S. Secretary of State along with other candidates, Vice President-elect Mike Pence said on "Fox News Sunday." Romney, who met President-elect Donald Trump on Saturday, was a critic of Trump during the campaign. Pence said that Romney was willing to be considered for the position.

Trump was "very grateful that Governor Mitt Romney came in. They had a good meeting. It was a warm and a substantive exchange and I know he is under active consideration to be Secretary of State... along with some other distinguished Americans." But Democrats were skeptical that Romney is an actual contender. Representative Adam Schiff, a California Democrat, said on CNN Sunday that he would love Romney to get the position and he would be a "consummate diplomat."

Representative Adam Schiff, a California Democrat, said on CNN Sunday that he would love Romney to get the position and he would be a "consummate diplomat." "But I think it's a total head fake. I think this is Donald Trump still being the entertainer, still running a show where he wants to build suspense and he alone knows who the contestant will be the winner. It's more of a nod to the appearance of bringing people together."

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Trump Blasts 'Saturday Night Live' as 'Uneven Biased Show,' Asks 'Break even with Time for Us?'

President-elect Trump said something regarding this current end of the week's 'Saturday Night Live' demonstrate that had Alec Baldwin playing him, tweeting , "It is an absolutely uneven, one-sided indicate - nothing interesting by any means. Measure up to time for us?"

I watched parts of @nbcsnl Saturday Night Live the previous evening. It is an absolutely uneven, one-sided demonstrate - nothing amusing by any stretch of the imagination. Parallel time for us?

— Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) November 20, 2016

Saturday's show was set apart by the arrival of Alec Baldwin, who played hopeful Donald Trump before the race, in his presentation as the president-elect.

The scene's frosty open (beneath, completely) - set at Trump National Golf Club in New Jersey, where Trump is holding gatherings this end of the week - commenced with Baldwin's Trump telling Kate McKinnon's Kellyanne Conway, Trump's crusade chief, that he couldn't have won the race without her.

"I consider that consistently," she says, moaning. (McKinnon's incredible depiction of Hillary Clinton was missing from the scene.)

The portray additionally jabbed fun at the hullabaloo brought on by Vice President-elect Mike Pence's participation Friday night at the Broadway musical "Hamilton," where he was booed by group of onlookers goers. A star of the play, Brandon Victor Dixon, tended to Pence from the phase toward the end of the execution, letting him know, "We are the different America who are frightened and on edge that your new organization won't secure us."

In the "SNL" draw, Baldwin's Trump says to SNL cast part Beck Bennett's Pence, I heard you went to see "Hamilton," how was that?"

Reacts Bennett's Pence: "It was great. I got a free address."

Baldwin's Trump closes their discussion saying, "I cherish you Mike. You're the reason I'm not going to get indicted."

Previous cast part Jason Sudekis, who played Mitt Romney amid the 2012 presidential crusade, repeated that part amid the previous evening's scene.

The draw jabbed fun at Trump and Romney's meeting Saturday, which has cocked eyebrows considering the thorns the match exchanged amid the essential season.

Sudekis' Romney enters the workplace and says, "Hi Mr. President-elect. Much thanks to you for setting aside the opportunity to meet with me."

Says Baldwin's Trump, as he starts to shake hands, "Senator Romney, so great of you to come."

The combine then continues to shake hands for a really long time without saying anything, to the point of it being ungainly.

"This wouldn't work, is it?" says Sudekis' Romney.

"I don't think so," says Baldwin's Trump.

The draw additionally jabs fun at Trump's apparent learning of worldwide issues.

After a military general meets with Baldwin's Trump to examine the "mystery plan" to annihilation ISIS, the invented president-elect enters "What is ISIS?" in Google.

Ghost in the Shell Trailer: Scarlett Johansson is Major Motoko Kusanagi

Ghost in the Shell Trailer: Scarlett Johansson is Major Motoko Kusanagi

Paramount Pictures has debuted the Ghost in the Shell trailer featuring Scarlett Johansson as Major Motoko Kusanagi. You can watch the Ghost in the Shell trailer below, and you’ll find the new poster in the gallery underneath as well.

Trump’s Revenge

They laughed at him. They taunted him. They snubbed him and sneered at him. And then, in the wee hours of Wednesday morning, he won.

Taking the stage at the New York Hilton ballroom just before 3:00 a.m., President-Elect Donald Trump squinted reverently out on a sea of suit coats and red caps, the very model of grace in victory. “For those who have chosen not to support me in the past, of which there were a few people,” he said, “I’m reaching out to you for your guidance and your help, so that we can work together and unify our great country.”

But the brief moment of magnanimity belied the more personal — and visceral — triumph Trump was celebrating that night: the ultimate humiliation of his haters.

Indeed, from the madcap launch of his improbable presidential bid to the mad-dash sprint in his final days, Trump’s campaign was a vehicle powered by personal grievance — a score-settling crusade against the politicos who’d shunned him, the business rivals who’d dismissed him, and the media elite who’d mocked him. A Queens-born billionaire who had long burned with resentment for the Manhattanites who treated him like a nouveau-riche rube, Trump was able to marshall millions this year in his scorched-earth revenge march toward the White House. When it was over, the totality of his payback was undeniable: his doubters were disgraced, his loyalists were vindicated, and Trump himself had won access to the the most exclusive club in American history.

But what if all that isn’t enough?

“The interesting psychodrama that I think rattles around inside Donald’s head is that he ultimately despises the establishment, yet desperately wants to be courted and approved by it,” said Trump biographer Timothy O’Brien. And no singular moment of validation — not even winning the presidency — will sate his bottomless need for retribution against critics and enemies.

“He’s just that insecure,” said O’Brien. “And that’s never going to change.”

From the very beginning of Trump’s campaign, the stated strategy was to win over aggrieved voters by railing against the key institutions of American life. In a series of early internal memos obtained by BuzzFeed News, the rationale for Trump’s candidacy was laid out in blunt terms: “The voters are in an angry mood and they completely distrust politicians, congress, the media, and other institutions.” Trump was viewed as “incorruptible because of his personal wealth,” and therefore the only candidate willing to “take on the entire system.”


This Guy Was Filming A Bird...Only To Realize That It Definitely Wasn't A Bird

Winter is coming, and apparently, so are dragons.

Recently, a man shot a video that some are saying is footage of a real dragon...or a pterodactyl. No one is really sure, but what we do know is that the video was taken near the border between China and Laos. This border is roughly 263 miles long and ironically, it contains the Jade Dragon Snow Mountain. At first, the man thought he was filming a bird, but he quickly realized that it looked like something else entirely.

Watch the bizarre footage and decide for yourself: Is this a clever hoax or a real-life dragon?


This Guy Was Filming A Bird...Only To Realize That It Definitely Wasn't A Bird

Winter is coming, and apparently, so are dragons.

Recently, a man shot a video that some are saying is footage of a real dragon...or a pterodactyl. No one is really sure, but what we do know is that the video was taken near the border between China and Laos. This border is roughly 263 miles long and ironically, it contains the Jade Dragon Snow Mountain. At first, the man thought he was filming a bird, but he quickly realized that it looked like something else entirely.

Watch the bizarre footage and decide for yourself: Is this a clever hoax or a real-life dragon?

This Pool Is At The Bottom Of The Gulf Of Mexico...And It's Totally Toxic

In the Gulf of Mexico, scientists have discovered a brine pool that they call the "Jacuzzi of Despair." The reason for the bizarre name? Most things that swim in do not swim out.
Brine pools are large, salty areas of water found on the ocean floor. Within them, salinity levels are three to five times higher than in the surrounding waters. Although deep-sea dwellers can survive the extreme saltiness, it kills any other creature that unknowingly swims (or crawls) in.

When Nautilus Live visited the Jacuzzi of Despair, they made a fascinating discovery. As you can see, barnacles have settled on the edge of the basin, but they won't go an inch farther.

Some creatures, however, are drawn in by the brine pool's warm temperature. Within seconds, most fall asleep and die, effectively pickled by the salty water.

YouTube / EVNautilus

In addition to the pool's high salinity, it contains toxic levels of hydrogen sulfide and methane.

YouTube / EVNautilus

A leak in the brine pool could result in these toxic gases flowing into the ocean, killing countless sea creatures.

This Pool Is At The Bottom Of The Gulf Of Mexico...And It's Totally Toxic
YouTube / EVNautilus

Scientists hope the pool will teach them more about how some organisms survive in harsh conditions. Professor Erik Cordes of Temple University told Seeker, "There's a lot of people looking at these extreme habitats on Earth as models for what we might discover when we go to other planets."

This Pool Is At The Bottom Of The Gulf Of Mexico...And It's Totally Toxic
YouTube / EVNautilus

To learn more about the Jacuzzi of Despair, check out the video below. As you'll see, even Nautilus Live is surprised by what they find.

Luckily, I've made it a rule to never mess around in the deep sea. As I learned from Nemo, that place is terrifying.

This Pool Is At The Bottom Of The Gulf Of Mexico...And It's Totally Toxic

Disney reveals its Beast from the live action 'Beauty and the Beast' movie

t ready to make like Gaston and “screw your courage to the sticking place,” because Disney has revealed the first-ever image of its “Beast” from the live action adaptation of the 1991 animated classic fairy tale, “Beauty and the Beast.” The look is certainly something that you don't see every day.
The cover of this week’s Entertainment Weekly featured both Dan Stevens (“Downton Abbey”) and Emma Watson (“Harry Potter” series) in full costume, replete with Belle’s diaphanous yellow ballgown and Beast’s navy frock coat with gold embroidery in the arms of Stevens transformed into his beastly character via movie magic.

Disney reveals its Beast from the live action 'Beauty and the Beast' movie

t ready to make like Gaston and “screw your courage to the sticking place,” because Disney has revealed the first-ever image of its “Beast” from the live action adaptation of the 1991 animated classic fairy tale, “Beauty and the Beast.” The look is certainly something that you don't see every day.
The cover of this week’s Entertainment Weekly featured both Dan Stevens (“Downton Abbey”) and Emma Watson (“Harry Potter” series) in full costume, replete with Belle’s diaphanous yellow ballgown and Beast’s navy frock coat with gold embroidery in the arms of Stevens transformed into his beastly character via movie magic.

Disney reveals its Beast from the live action 'Beauty and the Beast' movie

Get ready to make like Gaston and “screw your courage to the sticking place,” because Disney has revealed the first-ever image of its “Beast” from the live action adaptation of the 1991 animated classic fairy tale, “Beauty and the Beast.” The look is certainly something that you don't see every day.
The cover of this week’s Entertainment Weekly featured both Dan Stevens (“Downton Abbey”) and Emma Watson (“Harry Potter” series) in full costume, replete with Belle’s diaphanous yellow ballgown and Beast’s navy frock coat with gold embroidery in the arms of Stevens transformed into his beastly character via movie magic.
The issue had more magic inside, including a photo of a few of the animated inanimate objects that populate the Beast’s mansion.
In one such snap, audiences can see the live-action film’s iterations of Cogsworth (Ian McKellan), Mrs. Potts (Emma Thompson), Lumiere (Ewan McGregor) and Babette (Gugu Mbatha-Raw), a few of the beloved characters from Disney’s animated version, in a much different fashion than they’ve ever been seen before. So different, in fact, that Babette the feather duster has now been transformed into a bird, which adds an odd twist to the courtship between the candlestick and the duster. Then again, it’s a flirtation between two anthropomorphic household goods from the Baroque period, so odd doesn’t even begin to describe the amount of Disney magic this movie is going to need to bring this tale as old as time to life. 

Big Sean Takes Aim At Haters, Gossipers And Former Rap Friends With His New Track ‘No More Interviews’

It’s been a minute since Big Sean released new solo material. Sure, Twenty88 got a lot of love back when it released in April and he’s popped up here and there on loose tracks, most recently with 2 Chainz for “Light It Up,” which landed on Kevin Hart’s What Now soundtrack, and absolutely stole the show on Khaled’s “Holy Key.” But there’s been nothing with Sean Don going at it for dolo, all of which changes with the release of “No More Interviews.”

The track finds Sean taking aim at his favorite targets: haters and gossip-mongers. One of the recipients of Sean’s ether would be Naya Rivera, his former flame who he claims “wanted to write a tell-all, but funny thing is she ain’t even tell all.” Yes, he’s back on her and he admits that last time was supposed to be the last time…so this won’t be the last time. But, his say-no-names bars directed at a certain former friend(s) will garner the most eyes.
“So many friends turn to enemies, they frenemies
I don’t know why I act like I’m surprised or it’s offending me
I’m saying tho I should have learned from Hov and Dame
From Stunna and Wayne, Cudi and Ye
What happened to our family ways though
When I put you on that song with Nas you had told me that you was forever grateful
And that we brothers, so it hurt to hit the internet to find out that me and you don’t fuck with each other
Over a miscommunication that probably could be fixed with a 5 minute conversation, I’m still praying”
Then, there’s a whole other set of lines that sound like a thinly-veiled shot sent in the direction of…well, just check it.
“I’m not impressed with the whoopty woop, I don’t know who is who
And can’t pretend like I’m hip to it, no hula hoop
And I can’t lie like I like this shit like I usually do
And I’m just not impressed by you niggas rapping fast
Who sound like one big asthma attack but trash when I’m rapping it back
Who you put in your top five and claim they the savior of rap”
Sounds like he’s still feeling a certain type of way three years after “Control” shook up the game.
He best sums it all up with “I’m a king, a legend, man you n****s ain’t worthy, 10 years in and a n**** still under 30.” That might be a stretch but since half these kids are cribbing his style, he can make the claim and have a leg to stand on, albeit a shaky one.
Sean looks to be working his way towards releasing a new LP. Back in August, he posted a pic with Jay Z on Instagram that included the caption “Going thru my fourth album with one of the masters. Almost ready. Been clique since #Clique.” He also shared another photo that showed him with music guru Rick Rubin. Whatever it is, if it hits comes off as strong as “No More Interviews,” we have another G.O.O.D. project to look for to.

New Trailer Released for Suicide Squad Extended Cut

Warner Bros. has released a new trailer for the upcoming Suicide Squad Extended Cut Blu-ray release. You can check out the new video in the player below.

The cut features scenes not shown in the theatrical version that have been restored for the extended cut. The film arrives on Ultra HD Blu-ray, Blu-ray 3D Combo Pack, Blu-ray Combo Pack, and DVD on December 13. It will hit Digital HD first on November 15. The film was written and directed by David Ayer and made $739 million worldwide. It stars Will Smith, Margot Robbie, Joel Kinnaman, Viola Davis, Jai Courtney, Jay Hernandez, Adewale Akinnuoye-Agbaje, Ike Barinholtz, Scott Eastwood, Cara Delevingne, Adam Beach and Karen Fukuhara. Here’s a synopsis:

“It feels good to be bad… Assemble a team of the world’s most dangerous, incarcerated Super-Villains, provide them with the most powerful arsenal at the government’s disposal, and send them off on a mission to defeat an enigmatic, insuperable entity. U.S. intelligence officer Amanda Waller has determined only a secretly convened group of disparate, despicable individuals with next to nothing to lose will do. However, once they realize they weren’t picked to succeed but chosen for their patent culpability when they inevitably fail, will the Suicide Squad resolve to die trying, or decide it’s every man for himself?”

VIDEOS. A Chicago, un avion prend feu au décollage, faisant plusieurs blessés légers

Epaisse fumée noire sur le tarmac de l'aéroport de Chicago (Illinois, Etats-Unis). Un avion de la compagnie American Airlines a pris feu, vendredi 28 octobre, sur une piste de l'aéroport O'Hare au moment du décollage. Selon les services d'urgence, une vingtaine de personnes ont été légèrement blessées. Elles ont été envoyées dans différents hôpitaux. 

Le vol 383 d'American Airlines, avec à son bord 161 passagers et 9 membres d'équipage, devait quitter Chicago, dans le nord des Etats-Unis, pour rejoindre Miami, en Floride. Tous les passagers ont été évacués après l'interruption du décollage, selon la FAA, qui enquête sur les faits. La compagnie American Airlines a indiqué dans un communiqué qu'elle allait "mettre les passagers sur un autre vol vers Miami" dès le vendredi soir.

Un pneu éclaté ou un problème de moteur ? 

Des images de passagers, reprises sur les réseaux sociaux, montrent les voyageurs sortir en urgence de l'avion sur les toboggans d'évacuation. Beaucoup d'entre eux sont choqués, comme ce vidéaste amateur, qui a filmé la scène tandis qu'il courait sur le tarmac.